Sample Newsletter Excerpts from Newsletter #22
How I handle a stud

While I'm thinking of it, I'm going to discuss how I handle a stud. Testosterone is a powerful motivator is the main thing to keep in mind. It is natural for a stallion to want to dominate -- not only the mares, but guys like you. He understands it both ways; but even if he yields to you today, he may try to gain it over you tomorrow; so you can win a victory today, but the war is never over. I like to be either close to them like in the picture with my hand on the halter or away from them on the lead rope, but in between is No Man's Land -- you can be bitten or struck in the front and kicked in the back.

When using a lead rope, I run a stud chain over his nose. You should never run a stud chain under a horse's chin. It may save a ridge on his nose, but it will encourage him to rear up in front if you snap it to get his attention. When he rears up, he has a natural tendency to paw the air with his front feet which sets you up to be struck.

You may have to run it through his month on one that needs more severity to get his attention, but you want any pressure applied in a downward direction to encourage him to stay on the ground. If he does rear up, I run backwards along his side and try to tip him over backwards. Even if you don't succeed, he is discouraged from putting himself in a position that is vulnerable to being tipped over. He won't like losing control of his balance or being on the ground because he can't run or kick very well. And the quieter you are the better. There may be a time to raise your voice; but if you are loud all the time, there is no place to go -- you're already there.


When hand breeding mares which I think is the preferable way, I tie the mare to the side of my stock trailer or a hitching post and scotch hobble her left hind leg with enough slack to allow her to have her foot on the ground but not enough so that she can get any travel in her kick if she's not quite ready yet . I hobble her left hind leg because I'm right handed. If you're left handed, you might want to work from the other side. This gives him a little protection in case she isn't quite receptive, but lets her have her right leg for balance if he mounts her. When it's time to breed, I bring him to her; but when I'm working them, I harness him and then bring her to him. Then never let him breed with his harness on. Horses are quick to pick up on patterns and so here is a way to clue him in as to what you're up to for today.


Now let's go back to getting the mare bred. I bring him up on her hobbled side and circle him in. I let him nibble and "sweet talk" her, but no rearing up and screaming is allowed. I don't let him mount until he is ready to do something when he does. At first when he's ready and mounts of his own choice, I say, "Mount". As you use the term, he will associate it after several times and at some point you can prevent him from mounting until you tell him to when he is ready thereby having just that much more control over what is going on.

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